INSIGHT – Improving Quality in Construction

Cliff Smith - Executive Director of GIRI

Cliff Smith of the Get It Right Initiative (GIRI), with whom CQIC has a close working relationship, was interviewed in Building Engineer magazine in April 2024 for an article that considered how the construction industry currently manages quality and what it needs to do to improve.

“In the construction industry, we have a number of organisations that are interested in improving quality, but what GIRI does is aim to avoid error in the first place. We don’t go around checking things to see if they are right; our objectives are more often achieved through thinking about what is going to happen before a project begins,” said Cliff.

Cliff was one of a number of industry experts featured in the article, along with Paul Nash, Chair of the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) Quality Implementation Group, Barry Cope, Group Managing Director, Building Compliance Testers Association, and Daniel Hicks, Technical Research Manager, National House Building Council (NHBC).

You can read the full article here – GIRI/Building Engineer Article

Cliff Smith will be presenting on the work of GIRI at the joint meeting with CQIC that is taking place on 9 July 2024 at the COSLA Conference Centre at Haymarket in Edinburgh. For more details and to book a place see here – GIRI/CQIC Meeting 9 July 2024