About CQIC

The Construction Quality Improvement Collaborative (CQIC) is a Scottish based campaign for improving construction quality, and is a priority work area for transforming the construction sector under the Scottish Construction Accord.



The Construction Quality Improvement Collaborative (CQIC) has been an evolving area of joint work between the public sector and the construction sector since the beginning of the new Construction Scotland / Scottish Government relationship. It featured as an activity in the Construction Recovery Plan through the period of the pandemic and is now a key element of transformation activity through the implementation of the Scottish Construction Accord.

Whilst there is evidence over the last few years which demonstrates improvements to delivering construction quality are being made, there is cross industry recognition that more needs to be done to create a sustainable quality culture.


The Construction Quality Improvement Collaborative (CQIC) is a Scottish based campaign for improving construction quality.

It seeks to promote good practice to deliver improved performance. Delivering improved performance is necessary to meet the technical requirements involved in achieving our net zero ambitions, deliver compliance to building standards, create safer buildings, enable improved productivity and sustainable profitability for businesses, and enhance the reputation and image of the industry.

To do this it will gather, signpost, and draw from knowledge in practice, research and innovation, developments in data and digital technology, and related initiatives by others. It will enable development of enabling guidance, processes, and tools, and it will also connect with linked activities being developed by other groups under the auspices of the Scottish Construction Accord, such as those looking at procurement, skills, and workforce. It will also build connections with other improving construction delivery work and infrastructure programmes and projects being taken forward by others.

It is envisaged that creating a sustainable quality culture will be enabled largely through peer support. The opportunity will therefore be taken to link with existing groupings and collectives and help create new engagement platforms where appropriate.

The CQIC will also seek to provide a source of support for the development of related Scottish Government policy and guidance.


Creating a sustainable quality culture requires everyone involved in the construction delivery process to get involved. It demands a whole system approach which spans across organisations from policy makers, commissioning organisations, constructors, supply chains, consultants, trade, and professional bodies. All need to be willing to commit to change.

To help raise the profile of the mission, and build collective momentum for change, CQIC has launched the CQIC Charter. We’re inviting everyone who shares our vision to make your own commitment to change. You can commit to the charter here.

Read more about our Approach to Campaign Development.

“By committing to the aims of the CQIC, everyone can be part of the mission to shine a light on the things we all want to improve and to share in the successes we will have along the way”
Karen Stevenson, Head of Policy, RIAS
“I want the CQIC to ignite an industry-wide desire and drive to improve quality across the landscape, raising awareness, signposting, and providing some of the tools to aid clients, designers, contractors alike as well as third party influences (e.g., research). I also see the CQIC not only being the industry focal point for quality improvement but being the facilitator of ongoing engagement, discussion, and sharing of best practice and further improvement initiatives.”
Alasdair Burt, Support Services Manager
“We must improve the approach to delivering construction quality and not repeat the errors made in recent high profile reported projects. Spending public money wisely demands a refreshed approach and I am keen that the work of CQIC will play a key part in that.”
Stephen Crawford, Head of Property Services at Perth & Kinross Council