The Passivhaus Trust held its annual UK conference in Edinburgh on 16 and 17 October. The conference had the strap-line “Scotland Leads the Way” in recognition of the number of Passivhaus projects being delivered in Scotland and the work currently underway by Scottish Government to deliver a Scottish Passivhaus equivalent standard for all new buildings.
The Passivhaus Trust (PHT) is an independent industry leading organisation that promotes the adoption of Passivhaus in the UK. PHT is part of the global Passivhaus movement and the official UK affiliate of the International Passive House Association (iPHA).
Passivhaus adopts a whole-building approach with clear, measured targets, focused on high-quality construction, certified through an exacting quality assurance process. It puts quality at the heart of the process which is a key part of the CQIC vision.
In his keynote address to the conference in the University of Edinburgh’s McEwan Hall, Patrick Harvie MSP, Minister for Zero Carbon Buildings, Active Travel and Tenants’ Rights, restated his commitment to the Scottish Government’s ‘Scottish equivalent to Passivhaus’ policy and shared the next steps in its development.
The conference heard presentations on both new build to Passivhaus standards and on retrofit of existing properties to improve their environmental performance. The latter aspect included the EnerPHit standard.
During his presentation to the conference, Steven Kinninmonth of Morrison Construction provided a quote from the CQIC – “Good processes and procedures only take you so far. For them always to be effectively implemented you need a quality culture.”