Quality Experiences

No: 4 – Cast in-situ concrete: these things always happens….!
March 14, 2025
A member of the CQIC Steering Group was recently at a Monthly Quality Meeting on a major project. A problem had arisen with concrete pours and there were extensive areas of honeycombing to columns and walls that were intended to have an exposed finish. There was even an instance of a column having to be taken down due to

No: 3 – Do We Need a Quality Meeting?
November 15, 2024
All too often the subject of quality is tagged on to the end of the agenda of a site progress meeting, usually alongside Health & Safety. At the end of a lengthy meeting it is invariably glossed over, with little to no real discussion, with perhaps a brief update on the numbers of snags and non-conformances on the quality tracker and how that has changed in the month.
One of the innovations that CQIC is encouraging is the use of a dedicated quality meeting. A meeting which will include –
Agreeing the processes and procedures for each of the parties in their collaboration on

No: 2 – Benchmarking Work – Trial Panel Approach
June 6, 2023
During the construction of a school, which had timber cladding, a trial panel approach was used to get the required quality of finish from the outset. The project team has provided an insight into what that involved and the benefits achieved.

No: 1 – Using Laminated Timber Products
January 20, 2023
A contractor that has recently completed a project involving glued laminated timber has provided an insight into lessons learned from the use of this material.