Construction company McLaughlin & Harvey has welcomed the launch of the Construction Quality Improvement Collaborative (CQIC) and the launch of the construction quality charter that encourages transformation across the industry with quality being put at the centre of all decision-making. Writing on BuildScotland.co.uk, Derek Geyer, Head of Quality at McLaughlin & Harvey, said “”I am delighted to commit to the charter on behalf of McLaughlin & Harvey and to support a campaign that mirrors our strategic direction for quality. A partnership of like-minded organisations has been long overdue in the Scottish Construction Industry where we can collaborate with our peers to improve the overall quality and culture of construction and rid the industry of the bad press that it has attracted over the years.”
Derek also wrote about the article that he provided for the CQIC website explaining the importance of construction quality in cleanrooms and which calls for all construction to be as pro-active in delivering right first time construction.
The full article is available here.