Download Resources
Scottish Construction Accord: Read and download the full Scottish Construction Accord document.
CQIC Quality Charter: Read our Quality Charter document. This explains our key mission, vision and processes on how we are looking to put quality at the core of all construction activity across the country.
Organisation Charter Assessment Template: Do you want to assess how you are fulfilling the commitments you have made to the Charter? Find an explanation of why this is important, and a resource to help you to do so, here – Charter Assessment Template
Contractor Site Guidance – Sample Supporting Documents
March 26, 2024
The Contractor Site Guidance published on the Resources – Reports & Guidance pages of the CQIC website – refers to a number of documents which will be required in the management of quality on sites. The document stresses the importance of Inspection and Test Plans (ITPs). The contractors that collaborated in the development of the Contractor Site Guidance have shared a
The Cole Report
January 13, 2023
‘The Cole Report’ as it is known in the construction sector, is the report prepared by Professor John Cole on his independent Inquiry into the Construction of Edinburgh Schools. This investigated the causes behind the event when a wall collapsed at Oxgangs Primary School in January 2016. This incident and the inquiry which followed is regarded as a pivotal moment
North-West Community Campus, Dumfries
January 13, 2023
Northwest Community Campus is a new build educational facility by Dumfries & Galloway Council. Construction of the new building was due for completion in July 2018, in time for an August school commencement. Just prior to certification of completion, some quality issues arose with elements of the construction. This meant the school could not open until remedial works were completed.

What I Heard…
August 23, 2023
Colin Proctor, co-chair of the CQIC working group, recalls what he heard and learnt at the CQIC launch event.
This was the joint event with GIRI on 9 February for which we recently celebrated the 6-month point!
Colin still refers to his notes, which capture some of the main points (see above) that our speakers raised. These range from,

A Cleanroom Approach
January 13, 2023
All too often Clients and Contractors take the approach that construction quality is achieved by inspecting the works after they are completed, finding the snags, defects, and non-conformances, and getting them rectified. This “process” can either be during the construction period or, in many cases, after project completion and sometimes, even when the facility is in use. Rectifying defects which

PassivHaus Sets a Rigorous Quality Standard
January 13, 2023
The drive to meet net-zero carbon targets, spiralling energy costs and the desire for assured comfort standards has resulted in an increase in projects that are adopting a PassivHaus approach. To achieve PassivHaus standards demands construction to a rigorous quality level but how do the PassivHaus standards and quality go together? Jonathan Hines is Managing Director of Architype, architects who
Case Studies

Countesswells Primary School – Quality Case Study
February 19, 2024
Projects which are handed over 3 weeks ahead of the contractual completion date, and with zero snags on the snagging list, are the exception rather than the rule. However, this level of success can be achieved as was demonstrated by the Countesswells Primary School, which was handed over to Aberdeen City Council by hub North Scotland and contractor Morrison Construction in March 2023.
The Countesswells Primary School project is a 2-stream primary school (434 pupils) with

Winchburgh Schools Project – A Quality Case Study
March 31, 2023
For the construction of the Winchburgh Schools project (two secondary schools, a primary school and a sports centre) West Lothian Council were determined to build on lessons learned on previously built high-quality school projects – with the award-winning West Calder High School setting the benchmark for the level of quality the Council expected. The £62m project is West Lothian’s largest ever single investment in education, and was delivered
Get It Right Initiative (GIRI)
January 13, 2023
The Get It Right Initiative is a group of UK construction industry experts, organisations and businesses committed to actively improving productivity, quality, sustainability, and safety in the construction sector by eliminating error. GIRI is a not-for-profit membership organisation that has adopted a multi-disciplinary approach to tackling error. GIRI members include clients, consultants, contractors, regulators, educators, professional institutions, and trade
The Compliance Plan Approach
January 13, 2023
Scottish Government Building Standards and the Compliance Plan Approach Following the tragic events at Grenfell Tower, London in June 2017 a Ministerial Working Group (MWG) was set up to oversee a review of building and fire safety in Scotland with two expert review panels being created. One panel considering Fire Safety and the other focussing on Compliance and Enforcement, the
Quality Experiences

No: 4 – Cast in-situ concrete: these things always happens….!
March 14, 2025
A member of the CQIC Steering Group was recently at a Monthly Quality Meeting on a major project. A problem had arisen with concrete pours and there were extensive areas of honeycombing to columns and walls that were intended to have an exposed finish. There was even an instance of a column having to be taken down due to

No: 3 – Do We Need a Quality Meeting?
November 15, 2024
All too often the subject of quality is tagged on to the end of the agenda of a site progress meeting, usually alongside Health & Safety. At the end of a lengthy meeting it is invariably glossed over, with little to no real discussion, with perhaps a brief update on the numbers of snags and non-conformances on the quality tracker and how that has changed in the month.
One of the innovations that CQIC is encouraging is the use of a dedicated quality meeting. A meeting which will include –
Agreeing the processes and procedures for each of the parties in their collaboration on

No: 2 – Benchmarking Work – Trial Panel Approach
June 6, 2023
During the construction of a school, which had timber cladding, a trial panel approach was used to get the required quality of finish from the outset. The project team has provided an insight into what that involved and the benefits achieved.